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Saturday, 13 January 2024

BSNL Launches Official WhatsApp AI Service Chatbot to Customer Services

BSNL Launches Official WhatsApp AI Service Chatbot to Customer Services 

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has officially launch a WhatsApp chat bot service for customer to improve it services. The 
chatbot offer to the customer a convenient way to access various services like Bharat Fiber connection, Bill pay, book a complain, view Bill, Transaction History etc..

How to access BSNL chatbot?

BSNL chatbot work as a virtual assistant to the users to access a convenient way of different type services. The BSNL's Official WhatsApp Chatbot number is 18004444.

To start of WhatsApp chatbot, just type 'Hi' and send it to the above-mentioned number.

The user can also access by given link :

What are the services?
The BSNL Chatbot offer various services to the users to access a very easy  and convenient way like given below:

View Bill:

Just type “Hi”, one reply will came “Welcome to BSNL Customer Helpline message. Select Main Menu and also select sub Menu like View Bill.

If you have multiple account, it show select accounts. After select the account, it provides a link to view the bill and PDF copy of Bill can be download for your record.


Book My Fiber:
Customers can book or register for a new FTTH Broadband connection t
hrough the Chatbot service.

Pay Bills Online:

Customers can Pay Broadband, Telephone and FTTH bills  using the secure online payment feature.

Transaction History:
The BSNL users can view of transactions with a detailed transaction history feature.

Lodge Complaints:
Customers can book or report an issues or concerns by booking a complaint directly through the Chatbot.

Check Complaint Status:
The BSNL users can check the status of of lodged complaints, ensuring timely resolution.

Plan Upgrade:
The BSNL users can change their existing plan using this feature through the Chatbot service

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